Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lady Cathy

     I suppose crazy things happen when you are working on very little sleep. So on my way home from my morning meeting and errands, I got this idea that I should start a blog. So here it is my blog. Now many of you that are my friends or family are probably wondering why I would choose a name like Lady Cathy... well, I am going to tell you.

Those who happen to know me know that I tend to worry about things way in the future. Thus being said, I worry about what name I will go by when I turn 50. Yes, I know what many of you might be thinking, "Melissa that is way far down the line," but nonetheless, it is always on my mind. "Melissa" is not a name that you hear to often these days and I didn't want to be the only grandma with a weird first name,so I choose to go with my middle name only shortened. Thus Cathy was born. But in doing a little research for this first posting, I came across a website that ranks the baby names for any year since 1880 and "Melissa" was the sixth most popular name in 1983. So I suppose I will not be alone in the "Grandma Melissa" world. But until that day comes, I think that I am going to stick with Grandma Cathy!

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