Sunday, September 4, 2011

Becoming our parents

     Remember when we were kids and we all swore that we would never be like our parents... well we were wrong! Case in point: My dad is always yelling at the t.v., like they are going to hear exactly what they are saying. Never in my life have I seen anyone on the t.v. respond to what my dad has yelled at them. If that ever happens then I will most certainly apologize to my father... but until then...
     Then it happened... I became like my father! I was watching t.v. and I started yelling at the t.v. and then I started to laugh! I had just become my father! Seriously they are not going to hear what I am saying! So those reading this... lets face it there are some things that we will do that our parents do. So all we have to do is sit back and laugh at yourself because the day will come when we become our parents.

‎"The greater the struggle the more glorious the triumphant!"

Breaking from tradition for a moment...   

  Greater and struggle are two words that do not belong in the same sentence. I happened to watch a short film today that a friend had posted a link to and the title of this post was a very profound statement that was said about 3/4 of the way through the movie. The character of Will is played by a man named Nick Vujicic. Nick is a motivational speaker and lives as normal as a life as those with arms and legs. The thing that I admire most about Nick is that he didn't give up... well he almost did, but the love for his parents kept him going. This man pushed forward and didn't let anything stop him. He learned to write, surf, play golf and football.
     It is stories like Nick's that give me hope. My life really isn't all that bad. I can wake up and get out of bed and do many other things that others are not able to do. Today I am grateful for the small things in life. The simple things that make me who I am!
And if you want to see the movie... click here

Now my random thought of the day:
Do you sing in the car? I do! I even dance in the car! What's even better is that my windows are not tinted to the person behind me and on either side of me can see what I am doing. I don't really care who see's me singing and dancing. I figure that maybe they are having a bad day and that person who saw me belting out a tune or bustin' a move can laugh at my expense and have a better day. So I declare to the world... I will forever sing and dance in the car! And if you ride with me... be prepared to participate!!! 

Friday, September 2, 2011


Every time Friday comes around I start singing the song by Rebecca Black titled "Friday." Many of you may be hating me right now... but hey it is a catchy tune. Now that I have that song stuck in your head I will go on to my random thought of the day.

Wisdom Marks
Seriously who coined the term wrinkles for the face? When I look at my wrinkles I want to grab an iron and smooth them out because that is what iron's do... they smooth out the wrinkles. I really do not wish to end up in the burn unit, so I will not be ironing my face. So I have decided to to not look at them as wrinkles, but rather I will call them wisdom marks. So hopefully as my wisdom marks increase so will my grades in school!
And in case you have never heard of Rebecca Black's "Friday" song...head on over to YouTube and find her song! You will love it!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lady Cathy

     I suppose crazy things happen when you are working on very little sleep. So on my way home from my morning meeting and errands, I got this idea that I should start a blog. So here it is my blog. Now many of you that are my friends or family are probably wondering why I would choose a name like Lady Cathy... well, I am going to tell you.

Those who happen to know me know that I tend to worry about things way in the future. Thus being said, I worry about what name I will go by when I turn 50. Yes, I know what many of you might be thinking, "Melissa that is way far down the line," but nonetheless, it is always on my mind. "Melissa" is not a name that you hear to often these days and I didn't want to be the only grandma with a weird first name,so I choose to go with my middle name only shortened. Thus Cathy was born. But in doing a little research for this first posting, I came across a website that ranks the baby names for any year since 1880 and "Melissa" was the sixth most popular name in 1983. So I suppose I will not be alone in the "Grandma Melissa" world. But until that day comes, I think that I am going to stick with Grandma Cathy!